(Documents are in PDF format)
This link will open in a new windowHarbour Ring International Holdings Limited (This link will open in a new windowAnnex)
This link will open in a new windowFounder Holdings Limited (Chairman's Ruling of 10 November 2008) (This link will open in a new windowAddendum)
This link will open in a new windowHKCB Bank Holding Co. Ltd & HK China Ltd. (Now renamed Lippo China Resources Limited) (Application for Costs)
This link will open in a new windowVanda
Systems and Communications Holdings Limited (This link will open in a new windowAnnex)
(Chairman's Ruling of 9 August 2005)
This link will open in a new windowTingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp (This link will open in a new windowAnnex)
This link will open in a new windowSiu Fung Ceramics Holdings Limited
This link will open in a new windowAsia Orient Holdings Limited
This link will open in a new windowVanda Systems & Communications Holdings Limited
This link will open in a new windowChinney Alliance Group Limited
This link will open in a new windowChina Apollo Holdings Limited
This link will open in a new windowChinese Estates Holdings Limited
This link will open in a new windowNgai Hing Hong Company Limited
This link will open in a new windowChee
Shing Holdings Limited
(Now Tysan Holdings Limited)
This link will open in a new windowEmperor (China Concept) Investments Limited
This link will open in a new windowChevalier (OA) International Limited
This link will open in a new windowHong Kong Parkview Group Limited
This link will open in a new windowYanion International Holdings Limited
This link will open in a new windowPublic International Investments Limited
International City Holdings Limited
( This link will open in a new window Volume 1 | This link will open in a new windowVolume 2 )
This link will open in a new windowHutchison Whampoa Limited
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